Who is Mr.Paint

Mr.Paint is a software let you and your friends draw together!

How to use

Double click!


Click Here【Note, we're still in alpha test


  • Mr.Paint and Miss.Paint is designed, created by liuyanghejerry, based on Qt Framework.
  • This site is design and created by liuyanghejerry, based on frameworks/libraries below:
    • LESS
    • Less Framework 4
    • jQuery
    • leanModal
    • LightBox2
    • jQuery-Smooth-Scroll
    • jQuery UI
  • Icon Fonts on this site come from Fontello
  • Background image of this site is from SE. Contact me if you're author of it.

Contact me:liuyanghejerry@126.com


  • Thanks to all contributors of libraries, frameworks used in Mr.Paint and this site.
  • Thanks roywillow for testing and suggestions.
  • Thanks 米米, 九九曲, xercafe, 游乐, blaziken for testing.
  • Thanks xercafe for main icon of Mr.Paint.


  • When drawing on same point, different results comes out for different players.
  • Cannot auto join room after create one.


Mr.Paint is created by myself and almost costs all my spare time. So please consider 【support me】 if possible.

Or, 【sharing this page】 with your friends!


Not Ready yet

Miss.Paint is the server of Mr.Paint, which makes it possible to create your own Mr.Paint server.

However, it's not ready for public yet.

Not Ready yet

Web version of Mr.Paint will let you drawing just in your browser.

However, it's not ready for public yet.

Not Ready yet

Mr.Paint will be open source in the near future.


It's on the page already.